Extended Team
We know that it takes a village! Meet some of the members of our village, please tell them that we sent you!
Healthcare Providers
Dr Eidt offers a revolutionary type of chiropractic called Network Spinal Analysis. If you are new to chiropractic, she methods are a welcoming gentle type of adjustment. If you are familiar with the many benefits of chiropractic, you may be surprised off effectice this gentle technique can be.
Gainsborough Family Chiropractic
Gainsborough Family Chiropractic believes we are all designed to be extraordinary, check them out to see how they can support you.
Natural Birth Resources
Provides in-depth information on the newest innovation in safe, gentle, joyous childbirth. Includes a video clip, photo gallery, health tips section, information on the benefits of and preparations for waterbirth.
Speciality Local Groups
London Multiple Birth Association
The London Multiple Births Association (LMBA) is a social support network for families in London, Ontario and surrounding areas.
Multiple Births Canada strives to improve the quality of life for multiple-birth individuals and their families in Canada. With an extensive network of local chapters, health care professionals and organizations, we are the source for information on multiple-births in Canada.
Other Great Stuff
Want great shopping in St Thomas? Check out GIVEN!! Shopping and so much more.
Align Family Fitness supports you through each stage of life; from prenatl classes teaching pelvic floor health to postpartum support to prevent injury, they have you covered.